Clickable image: How to link HTML image to URL

You can make an image clickable by wrapping the image html tag(<img>) with link html tag(<a></a>). First, start off by adding an image using HTML.


 <img class="linked-image" src=" " alt="Flying drone with camera">

Wrap the image with a link:


<a href="">
  <img class="linked-image" src="" alt="Flying drone with camera">

You can view the image online and see if you can click on it.


Flying drone with camera


Sometimes, you want the same image to be loaded when clicked. Use the same url you used on the <img> html tag. Code:

<a href="">
  <img class="linked-image" src="" alt="Flying drone with camera">

Result: Flying drone with camera

Using the same link tag, we can add URL to any relevant website or webpage we want.


<a href="">
  <img class="linked-image" src="" alt="Flying drone with camera">

Result: Flying drone with camera

If you click on the image above, you will be directed to

Remove border around clickable image

Incase you notice a weird border around the image on some browsers, use CSS to remove the border. HTML code:

<a href="">
      <img class="linked-image" src="=" " alt="Flying drone with camera">

CSS code:

.linked-image {
  border: none;

You can play around and test this code on Replit

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Hi there! I am Avic Ndugu.

I have published 100+ blog posts on HTML, CSS, Javascript, React and other related topics. When I am not writing, I enjoy reading, hiking and listening to podcasts.