Useful Resources For Creating Websites For Beginners

Making Websites whether for fun or as a profession requires some tools and resources. As a beginner, you may be wondering what tools do I need to start creating websites.

You can concider these resources as your website development starter pack.

I have used or conducted extensive research on everything listed here.

  1. HTML and CSS Online Courses

There alot of resources that can teach you HTML and CSS. Based on my experience, these courses offered on these websites are suitable and relevant for beginners.

  1. Freecodecamp
  2. Internet is Hard
  4. Traversy Media on Youtube
  1. Text/ Code Editors

You will be using text editors to write HTML, CSS and Javascript. I recommend the following text editors.

  1. Sublime Text for Windows, Linux and OSX.
  2. Notepad++ For Windows.
  1. Code Sharing:

When you need to share your project’s code with others, you can use these three code sharing websites.

  1. Publishing Your Website online

To take your website from your own computer and share it with the world, you need to publish it on a web server. A web host provides a web server, where you can publish you website.

Static Website Hosting

You can use the following free web hosting to publish your HTML, CSS and Javascript websites online.

Wordpress Website Hosting

Wordpress website hosting services:

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Website CMS

  • Wordpress

Frontend Frameworks

  • React
  • Vue

Backend Frameworks

  • Express
  • Flask
  • Laravel


  • Postgresql
  • MongoDb
  • Mysql

Fullstack Frameworks

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Django
  • Meteor js
  1. Buy domain name

You can choose to use the free domain name provided by your host or you can buy your own custom domain from any domain name seller. The most popular domain name registrars are Namecheap, Google domains, Bluehost, and Siteground.

Once you have a domain name, you can then you can point it to your prefered website host.