Your Goal of Creating a Website In 2024 [What's The Plan]


Is creating a website one of 2024 goals?

Well, January is almost over. Without a plan, 11 months will quickly pass by with zero progress on your goal.

I would like to provide you with a plan you can use to accomplish your goal. It involves breaking down the goal of creating your website into sub-goals. These are:

  • Choosing a domain or subdomain name
  • Choosing a method of creating the website
  • Design of the website
  • Creating content for the website

If you tackle all the 4 sub-goals, you will end up with a complete website. But it all starts with taking on step at a time.

You can read the free beginners guide on how to make websites to get a better understanding of the plan.

I hope you will take action and build you own website this year.

January Updates

One of my goals this year is creating and sharing website templates.

I’ve used websites templates in the past to creating websites. They help reduce the amount of time and effort required to create and publish a website.

So far, I’ve created 2 templates: one using Google Sites website builder and the other Jekyll CMS.

Philip google sites template screenshot

You can view the demos at Philip Academic Website - Google Sites and Shahada Academic Website - Jekyll - Github.

In the coming months, I’ll be creating more templates while trying out other website building tools as well.


author's bio photo

Hi there! I am Avic Ndugu.

I have published 100+ blog posts on HTML, CSS, Javascript, React and other related topics. When I am not writing, I enjoy reading, hiking and listening to podcasts.