Lack of Technical Skills Blockng You From Creating a Website?


The technical aspect of building a website can be overwhelming to a freelancer, a business owner, or a non-profit organization.

This includes design, templates, website builders, hosting, domain name, SEO, copywriting, coding, and all the other things that come, with making a website.

Instead of allowing your lack of technical skills to stop you from creating a website, consider alternative methods that don’t require a lot of technical skills.

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. User-Friendly Website Builders

    There are numerous user-friendly website builders available that require minimal technical skills.

    Platforms like Wix, Google Sites, Squarespace, and offer intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, allowing you to create professional-looking websites without writing a single line of code.

  2. Hire Help

    If the technical aspects of website creation still feel overwhelming, consider outsourcing this task to professionals.

    Freelance web developers and designers can help you bring your vision to life, whether it’s customizing a template or building a website from scratch.

    Websites like Upwork and Fiverr connect you with talented freelancers who can assist you at affordable rates.

  3. Online Tutorials and Courses

    Take advantage of the wealth of online tutorials and courses available to learn the basics of creating a website.

    Focus your energy on the skills you find interesting.

    By dedicating some time to self-study, you can gradually build your technical proficiency at your own pace.


  1. Website Template

    I managed to publish another website template: Software Engineer Portfolio Website

  2. Google Search Algorithm Update

    Google released another search algorithm update (as announced on March 5th 2024) which resulted in websites losing huge amounts of traffic.

    Most people are reporting to have lost between 50 to 90% of their traffic that came from Google Search (self-reported data on Facebook groups I’m part of).

    I am not making any changes to my website in response to this algorithm update. Just waiting to see how everything will play out.

  3. Reading

    I’m enjoying reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig for the second time. I read it for the first time about two years ago. If you enjoy reading philosophical books, you can check it out.

author's bio photo

Hi there! I am Avic Ndugu.

I have published 100+ blog posts on HTML, CSS, Javascript, React and other related topics. When I am not writing, I enjoy reading, hiking and listening to podcasts.