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How to put a shadow on a button in HTML & CSS

You can add a shadow on any side of a HTML button. You can put it on top, left, bottom and right side of the button. Also, you can put the shadow on two sides or all sides of the button. Bottom ... Read more

How To Make Websites For Beginner Web Developers[6 Methods]

As a beginner web developer, you already know at least one way of making websites. However, some clients will come to you with website requirements that your current method cannot achieve. Inst... Read more

Clickable image: How to link HTML image to URL

You can make an image clickable by wrapping the image html tag(<img>) with link html tag(<a></a>). First, start off by adding an image using HTML. code: <img class="linked-im... Read more

How to Make Rounded Corners button in HTML & CSS

You can use CSS’s border-radius property to make rounded corners HTML buttons. Rounded corners HTML Buttons You can make rounded corners button by adding border-radius of 5px to 10px on HTML butto... Read more

How to Make an HTML Button Without Border

You can make a button without borders in HTML. To remove them, you have to use the border property in CSS and set it to none. You can use two methods to achieve this: 1. Remove border on HTML but... Read more

Can HTML Buttons Have href?[Answered]

HTML buttons cannot have href attribute if they are created using button <button> </button> HTML tags. However, you can use href attribute if you create the buttons using link <a>... Read more

10 Simple CSS Column Layouts to Build in 2021

You can make elaborate layouts on websites without using CSS frameworks. You can use CSS Grid and Flexbox to build your layouts. They are now widely supported by majority of the browsers. Dive in... Read more

How to Create Simple Bootstrap Footer

Bootstrap provides fast and easy CSS styles you can use to create website footers. Today, you will be creating two easy to make Bootstrap footers. 1. Simple Bootstrap Footer The simplest Bootstra... Read more

Should HTML be Indented?[Answered]

Yes, HTML should be indented uniformly because it makes HTML code more readable. This results in an easier to maintain code compared to HTML code without indentations. How to Indent HTML Code Ther... Read more

Create a Simple Footer in HTML and CSS

A website footer is the last section that you see on a website after scrolling all the way to the bottom. They are great for showing copyright notice. You can also add links to other legal info... Read more

How to Create a Responsive 3 Column Layout Flexbox CSS

A 3-column layout helps you to organize and present your website’s content more effectively. You can use it to display different sections, such as featured services, product listings, pricing ca... Read more

4 Equal Columns Layout CSS Flexbox

Four Equal Columns Layout Flexbox HTML <div class="columns"> <div class="column"> /// Column 1: Put any relevant content here /// </div> <div class="colum... Read more

Does HTML Interpeters Ignore White Space

Does HTML interpreters ignore white space The HTML interpreter ignore white spaces by default. HTML ignore any space added after the first space between words. Any space at the start or end of a H... Read more

HTML CSS Projects: Survey Form

Quick stats for Survey Form Project Knowledge required: HTML & CSS Difficulty: Beginner friendly Estimate completion time: 5 to 20 hours Forms are a critical component in all website... Read more

How to divide div into 4 Equal Columns Layout

4 Columns Layout HTML CSS Code HTML <div class="columns"> <div class="column"> Column 1 </div> <div class="column"> Column 2 </div> <div class="... Read more

How to divide div into 3 equal columns layout CSS

Dividing a webpage into 3 columns creates more space to present content especially on desktop and wide screen. 3 columns Layout HTML CSS Code HTML <div class="columns"> <div class="col... Read more

How To Create a Responsive Two Column Layout in HTML and CSS

As a web developer, you have a variety of layout you can use to present content on a website. You can use a two column layout to display: Related content for example a list of features, pric... Read more

Basic HTML Layout: Create a One Column Layout in HTML and CSS

A good website layout has readable and well organized content. You can create a good website layout by combining the strengths of two languages: HTML and CSS. HTML provides the containers that hold... Read more

How are websites created today[Answered]

Every day, people across the globe create about 547200 websites. Everyone uses their own process when it comes to creating websites. We can group website creation methods into three different cat... Read more

How to add two background images to one div in CSS

With CSS you can add two or more background images to a div through the CSS background property. I will be showing you how to add multiple background pictures to a HTML element. Adding two backgro... Read more

Difference Between Static and Dynamic Website With Examples

When shopping for a website, you need to know what type of website you want and its abilities. You can group websites into two categories based on their features: static and dynamic websites. Stat... Read more

Add iframe to div using Javascript

You can load an iframe on a webpage even after the webpage has completely loaded. You are going to use javascript to load an iframe through button click. For this example, you will be using Substa... Read more

How to upload and publish HTML website on Github

Github provides a free way to publish your HTML website. You don’t need to know git to accomplish this. Follow along this tutorial to get your first HTML website online on Github. Requirements ... Read more

Add background color to Font Awesome icons[Circle & Square]

Font awesome has inbuilt method of adding circle and background color to its icons. Font awesome uses the idea of icon stacking(putting one icon ontop of another one. To start off you need to add... Read more

How to create a folder in Github repository online

If don’t have access to Git command line or Github Desktop app, you can still create a folder using Github Website. Here is how you can do that. Open the Github repository in which you want to ... Read more